Fastest way to become rich in 2024

Are you looking for opportunities to increase your net worth in 2024? Amidst a rapidly evolving economic landscape, entrepreneurs and investors are constantly seeking the most efficient paths to wealth generation.

While tech startups and real estate have long dominated the conversation around lucrative investments, a surprisingly effective strategy has emerged as the frontrunner for rapid financial growth: purchasing cash-flowing small businesses.

Why? Because every year millions of baby boomers retire and many of them have businesses without a clear succession plan. If you are a risk taker, have experience in a particular field and you want to avoid the initial grind of ramping up a business, then this is perfect for you. This method not only offers immediate returns but also provides a sustainable model for long-term income.

In this article, we delve into the three crucial steps for successfully executing this strategy: learning how to find deals, knowing your numbers, and finding the money.

Step 1: Finding Deals on BizBuySell and Through Meetups

The first step in acquiring a profitable small business is identifying potential deals. One of the most effective platforms for this search is BizBuySell, the Internet’s largest business-for-sale marketplace. It offers a vast selection of listings that include various small businesses for sale across numerous industries.

By utilizing its advanced search filters, potential buyers can sift through listings based on criteria such as industry, location, cash flow, and price. This targeted approach allows investors to quickly identify businesses that match their investment criteria.

Networking at local entrepreneurial meetups and industry conferences can also uncover hidden gems not listed on public platforms. These gatherings are ripe with opportunities to connect with business owners considering retirement. Building relationships in these environments can lead to exclusive deals that bypass the competitive marketplace, often resulting in more favorable purchase terms.

Step 2: Making the Offer

Once a potential acquisition target is identified, the next step is to evaluate its worth and make an offer. This stage requires a deep understanding of business valuation techniques, which consider factors such as cash flow, revenue, market position, and growth potential.

You are not an investment banker? Don’t worry, there are very easy techniques to value a business. For example, the “Multiples Approach” allows you to estimate the value of a business by multiplying a specific financial metric (e.g. revenues, EBITDA or income, etc.) by a multiple (i.e. 10). The multiple is usually quite similar in the same sector, speeding up the process.

Armed with this knowledge, investors are encouraged to make offers much lower than what might be expected. This approach is grounded in the understanding that business negotiations often start high and settle somewhere in the middle.

By starting lower, there’s more room to negotiate favorable terms that ensure a good return on investment. It’s important, however, to maintain a balance between making a low offer and ensuring the seller remains engaged in negotiations.

Step 3: Finding the money

You have found the business that you want to buy, the offer has been accepted but you don’t have the money. This is often the case, considering the fact that a business could be worth from hundred of thousand dollars to millions.

While there are different ways to find the money, such as bank loans, crowdfunding, friends and family and so on, the two that I prefer in this case are: owner financing and search fund.

In owner financing, the seller extends credit to the buyer to cover a portion of the purchase price. This method can significantly decrease the cost of debt for the buyer, as owner-financed deals often come with lower interest rates and more flexible terms than traditional bank loans.

Furthermore, it demonstrates the seller’s confidence in the business’s profitability and its future under new ownership.

In addition to owner financing, search funds represent another viable path for securing the necessary capital to purchase a business. A search fund is a pool of capital raised from investors used to finance the search and acquisition of a company.

This approach is particularly appealing for individuals who may not have the personal capital to fund a purchase outright but possess the expertise and vision to identify and grow a small business. By partnering with a search fund, an entrepreneur can leverage the collective resources and expertise of the investors involved, which can provide not only the necessary financial backing but also valuable mentorship and strategic guidance.

Utilizing a search fund requires careful preparation and networking to pitch the investment opportunity to potential backers.

This process involves detailed market research, business valuation, and the development of a compelling business plan that outlines the potential for growth and profitability under new ownership.


Purchasing cash-flowing small businesses with no succession plan presents a unique opportunity for rapid financial growth in 2024. By meticulously following the three steps outlined above you can position yourself for substantial returns.

This approach not only provides immediate cash flow but also offers the potential for long-term income generation, making it an attractive strategy for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio and secure their financial future.

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